31 May 2023

New CMS Report: International Humanitarian Law and Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems

How have the political discourses about climate change influenced security policies? The new CMS report “Climatising Security Policy: A Panorama and Implications for Denmark” investigates the emerging international landscape on ‘climatising’ security policies that Denmark must navigate. Methodical stock-taking of the emerging trends in climate change management through security policies globally, regionally, and nationally provides a basis for forward thinking in the Euro-Atlantic area, helping to set the parameters of security policy planning and action for Denmark. 

The CMS-report "International Humanitarian Law and Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems” aims to detail the legal challenges for Danish acquisition and procurement stakeholders in the context of lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS). The report is authored by Lena Trabucco (CMS), and it is published in cooperation with DJØF Publishing. 

Read more about the report.
