The Oxford World History of Empire, Vol. 1. The Imperial Experience

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The Oxford World History of Empire, Vol.1: The Imperial Experience is dedicated to synthesis and comparison. Following a comprehensive theoretical survey and world-historical synthesis, fifteen chapters analyze and explore the multifaceted experience of empire across cultures and through five millennia. The broad range of perspectives includes: scale, world systems and geopolitics, military organization, political economy and elite formation, monumental display, law, mapping and registering, religion, literature, the politics of difference, resistance, energy transfers, ecology, memories, and the decline of empires. This broad set of topics is united by the central theme of power, examined under four headings: systems of power, cultures of power, disparities of power, and memory and decline. Taken together, these chapters offer a comprehensive view of the imperial experience in world history
UdgivelsesstedNew York
ForlagOxford University Press
Antal sider584
ISBN (Trykt)9780199772360
StatusUdgivet - 2021

ID: 291536847