Resisting State Iconoclasm Among the Loma of Guinea

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportDoktordisputats

  • Christian Kordt Højbjerg

Resisting State Iconoclasm Among the Loma of Guiena is an anthropological study of a West African people's ongoing commitment to a specific religious tradition that invovlves both secrecy and public ritual. Loma secret religious practice appears to have been relatively unaffected by a long-term suppression, including the exposure of secrecy, by the postcolonial authorities. In recent years the famous male ritual association known as Poro has even taken on new significance in the context of political upheaval in the war-torn border area between Guinea and Liberia. Drawing on extensive fieldwork and regional comparative research, the study not only provides a detailed account of hitherto unknown ritual practices in the Upper Guiena forest and coastal region, it also challenges recurring claims about the political role of secret societies in this part of West Africa.

The retention of 'tradition' in the face of 'change' is of central analytical concern to Resisting State Iconoclasm. Against presentist accounts of persistent culture, the author argues that an adequate explanation of Loma religious resilience requires a composite approach addressing both the political dynamics of the studied area and the cognitive and relational processes involved in the transmission of religious and ritual tradition. The result of this approach serves as background for a critical engagement with current theories of the successful, enduring distribution of cultural ideas and practices.

UdgivelsesstedDurham, North Carolina
ForlagCarolina Academic Press
Antal sider360
ISBN (Trykt)1-59460-218-2, 978-1-59460-218-4
StatusUdgivet - 2007
NavnCarolina Academic Press Ritual Studies Monograph Series

ID: 2432987