Research Methods in European Union Studies

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  • Kennet Lynggaard
  • Ian Manners
  • Karl Löfgren
Research on the European Union over the past few years has been strongly implicated in the crises that currently grip Europe with a failure to ask the pertinent questions as well as a perceived weakness in the methods and evidence used by researchers providing the basis for these allegations. This volume moves the study of EU research strategies beyond the dichotomies of the past towards a new agenda for research on Europe through a rich diversity of problem-solving based research.

This new agenda acknowledges the weaknesses of the past and moves beyond them towards greater openness and awareness of the importance of research strategies, designs and methods. The 20 chapters in this collection range from micro-level analyses of identities, single policy studies and European discourse, through meso-level analysis of agenda setting, bargaining, implementation and Europeanisation, to macro-level analyses of the EU as a global actor, European integration and globalisation as well as hard and soft governance, elections and party groups, attitude formation, and new-regionalism. As such, it provides a comprehensive and accessible guide to conducting research on the European Union today.
ForlagPalgrave Macmillan
Antal sider321
ISBN (Trykt)9780230363052
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781137316967, 9781137183378
StatusUdgivet - jul. 2015
NavnPalgrave Studies in European Union Politics

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