Did the Danish Supreme Court Give the Fashion Industry the Kantian Boot?

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  • Behrang Kianzad
The long-running case, which revolved around the brightly colored, fashionable leather boots by iconic Danish designer Ilse Jacobsen, ended with the Danish and European fashion industry on the receiving end of the legal boot. The Danish Supreme Court stopped short of awarding copyright to Ilse Jacobsen as a reward for her ‘free and independent creative effort’ in regard to the design of the now iconic rubber boots ‘RUB 1’, bringing together elements from traditional, long-laced leather boots with elements from rubber boots with laces.
TidsskriftGRUR International
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)159-163
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 9 dec. 2020

ID: 253651128