Designing PAL interventions in collaboration with school staff: Active School-Denmark

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ACTIVE SCHOOL is a national research project, with researchers from University Colleges and the University of Copenhagen.

Implementation of 45 min of daily PA in Danish Schools have been poor since the enactment of a new law in 2014 (1). Lack of beliefs in the learning effect, lack of competencies to teach PA and lack of support from colleagues are reasons mentioned as barriers (1,2).

These challenges are addressed by the ACTIVE SCHOOL project with the aim of developing two types of school PA interventions. They will be based on scientific evidence and theories. School staff will actively participate in the project and their views will contribute to optimal and realistic practice within the interventions.

The project is developing through a four phased design-based process (3,4). Every phase informs the next in an iterative pattern and school staff participate with in-class testing and refining clues to tailor the two interventions and make them feasible for practice (5).

During the first phase of the project, the current status of PA implementation was explored by informal interviews with stakeholders and focus group interviews with school staff. Key themes were detected through a domain analysis and factors influencing their daily practice were revealed.
These results informed the process in a subsequent development workshop with school staff, and both design activities serve as a departure point for intervention development.
In the short oral presentation, a synthesis of interviews and the workshop findings will be presented.
Different designs are still iterated, before a final proto intervention design is landed in the summer 2022.
These intervention designs will be explored in an 8 week feasibility study to consolidate the most feasible and adaptable components and strategies (6).
The final PA interventions will be investigated in a large RCT-study in the years 2023-2024.

1. Jørgensen HT, Troelsen J. Implementeringen af motion og bevægelse i skolen – et review af hæmmende og fremmende faktorer set i et lærerperspektiv. Stud i Læreruddann og -profession [Internet]. 2017 Oct 3;2(2):84. Available from:
2. Koch S, Pawlowski CS, Skovgaard T, Pedersen NH, Troelsen J. Exploring implementation of a nationwide requirement to increase physical activity in the curriculum in Danish public schools: a mixed methods study. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2021 Dec 1 [cited 2021 Dec 17];21(1):1–13. Available from:
3. Liedtka J, Ogilvie T. The Designing for Growth Field Book. The Designing for Growth Field Book. Columbia University Press; 2019.
4. Universitet K, Generation PN. Double Diamond Modellen [Internet]. 2018. Available from:
5. Koorts H, Eakin E, Estabrooks P, Timperio A, Salmon J, Bauman A. Implementation and scale up of population physical activity interventions for clinical and community settings: the PRACTIS guide. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act [Internet]. 2018 Aug 20;15(1):51. Available from:
6. Kirchner JAE, Smith JL, Powell BJ, Waltz TJ, Proctor EK. Getting a clinical innovation into practice: An introduction to implementation strategies. Psychiatry Res. 2020 Jan 1;283:112467.

Antal sider2
StatusUdgivet - 2022
BegivenhedACTivate: International Congress for Physically Active Learning - Mulier Institute - Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle, Holland
Varighed: 12 apr. 202213 apr. 2022


LokationMulier Institute - Windesheim University of Applied Sciences

Bibliografisk note

CURIS 2022 NEXS 119

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