Can "Federal Sanctuaries" be identified in Triphylia and Arkadia?

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningfagfællebedømt


This paper discusses whether federal sanctuaries - such as are known from the Achaian and Aitolian Federations - can be identified in Triphylia and Arkadia in the Peloponnese. It is concluded that on present evidence it is not possible to identify such sanctuaries in these areas
Bidragets oversatte titelKan vi identificere "føderale helligdomme" i Trifylien og Arkadien?
Publikationsdato30 sep. 2013
Antal sider19
StatusUdgivet - 30 sep. 2013

Bibliografisk note

Published in: P. Funke & M. Haake (eds.), Greek Federal States and Their Sanctuaries. Identity and Integration. Franz Steiner Verlag (Stuttgart 2013) 227-244


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet - Ancient history, Greek history, Arkadia, Triphylia, federal states, sanctuaries, federal sanctuaries, Samikon, Mount Lykaion, Poseidon Samios, Zeus Lykaios, Lepreon, Tegea, Mantinea, Megalopolis

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