3. september 2014

Ph.d.-forsvar ved Kristian Knus Larsen

af afhandling for ph.d. graden ved Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakul­tet, Københavns Universitet:

  • Kandidat: Kristian Knus Larsen
  • Forsvaret finder sted: Fredag den 12. september 2014 kl. 14.00-16.30

på Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Institut for Statskundskab, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København K., lokale 4.2.26.
Af hensyn til kandidaten lukkes dørene præcis kl. 14.00.
Afhandlingen der forsvares: "Substitute for Victory. Performance Measurements in Vietnam, the Gulf War, and Afghanistan"
Resumé: "Why have performance measurements been introduced to the domain of war a number of times in the last century? Has the reappearance of performance measurements been driven by distinct potentials of performance measurements with regard to strategic decision-making and the planning and execution of military campaigns?
In this dissertation Kristian Knus Larsen argue that performance measurements have been used in lieu of victory. Political decision makers and military commands have used performance measurements as a substitute for victory. Performance measurements have enabled political decision makers and military commands to handle problems only partly related to the battlefield. By investigating the political and military use of performance measurements in the Vietnam War, the first Gulf War, and the war in Afghanistan Kristian is able to identify the distinct problems political and military decision makers have used performance measurements to handle. This use of performance measurements has entailed that political and military decision makers have lost focus on strategic dialogue. Kristian explains how this is a problem and emphasizes the significance of distinguishing between assessments and measurements".

  • Lektor Karen Lund Petersen (formand), Københavns Universitet
  • Professor Theo Farrell, King’s College, London, Storbritannien
  • Professor Magnus Petersson, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, Norge

Afhandlingen vil kunne købes i Akademisk Boghandel og koster 150 kr.