1 October 2020

New forum: Strategic Reflection Forum on China

The rising tensions between the US and China is a strategic challenge for Denmark. COVID-19, industrial espionage, trade war, human rights and democracy in Hong Kong and the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, security policy in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea – the list of contested issues between the world’s two largest economies is long. As two tectonic plates, the rising China presses against the US and the US-supported world order, which has structured world politics since WW2. The crisis creates new strategic conditions and challenges globally and for Denmark.

The Centre for Military Studies is therefore proud to launch Strategic Reflection Forum on China. The forum takes the development of the relationship between the US and China as a starting point for a discussion on, how this sets new strategic conditions for Denmark and what challenges and opportunities Danish decision makers and the public are faced with. The forum includes Danish researchers with special knowledge of China or foreign- and security policy.

The members of Strategic Reflection Forum on China are:

Louise Riis Andersen, senior researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies

Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke, senior researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies

Henrik Breitenbauch, director and senior researcher, Centre for Military Studies UCPH

Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard, professor, Department of International Economics, Government and Business CBS

Nis Høyrup Christensen, former postdoc, International Economics and Management CBS

Jørgen Delman, professor, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies UCPH

Bertel Heurlin (chairman), professor emeritus, Department of Political Science UCPH

Andreas Bøje Forsby, postdoc, Department of Political Science UCPH

André Ken Jakobsson, postdoc, Department of Political Science SDU

Peter Marcus Kristensen, lecturer, Department of Political Science UCPH

Kristian Søby Kristensen, deputy director and senior researcher, Centre for Military Studies UCPH

Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen, dean, Faculty of Social Sciences UCPH

Camilla Sørensen, researcher, Institute for Strategy RDDC

Mette Thunø, lecturer, School of Culture and Society AU

Ole Wæver, professor, Department of Political Science UCPH

Clemens Stubbe Østergaard, professor emeritus, Department of Political Science AU


Casper Wichmann, coordinator, ThinkChina UCPH, is secretary of Strategic Reflection Forum on China 

The forum’s first meeting will take place in October 2020.