29 October 2021

Hearing on the cyber domain and international law challenges

Tuesday the 26th of October 2021, the Centre for Military Studies, in collaboration with the Foreign Policy Committee and Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen, held the hearing "The Cyber Domain and International Law Challenges for Denmark". The aim of the hearing was to debate the international regulation of cyberspace and to discuss possibilities and challenges for Denmark within this area. International regulation of the cyber domain is crucial for Danish economy and welfare, as well as to the integrity and security of Danish institutions. 

Martin Lidegaard, chair of the Foreign Policy Committee, opened the hearing. The key-note speaker was professor Kevin Jon Heller, Centre for Military Studies, who focused on how the concept of sovereignty is applicable to the cyber domain, including differences between states that operate according to an absolute or relative perception of sovereignty. In the following panel discussion, postdoc Tobias Liebetrau, Danish Institute for International Studies), professor with special responsibilities Astrid Kjelgaard-Pedersen, Faculty of Law at University of Copenhagen, postdoc Cornelius Wiesener, Faculty of Law at University of Copenhagen, and assistant professor Marc Schack, Royal Danish Defense College, debated, among other things, Denmark's interests in cyber conflicts, the status of cyber-attacks within the field of international law, and the unclear boundaries between defense and espionage. Michael Aastrup Jensen, deputy chair of the Foreign Policy Committee, concluded the hearing. 

Watch the event here